[az_special_heading heading_type=”1″ heading_style=”default” heading_align=”textalignleft” padding_bottom_heading=”0″ animation_loading=”no” animation_loading_effects=”fade_in”]Wham Bam [/az_special_heading]

[az_dropcap mode=”dropcap-color”]T[/az_dropcap]he company Pas de Dieux brings from France a unique event of corporeal improvisation: an encounter between dance, theatre, mime, and live music, both professionals and amateurs. The goal is to encounter the unexpected and improvise a play. This unusual rendezvous of live performing artists and musicians is also open to the participation of the audience to discover the art of corporeal improvisation. Wham Bam! is not built around a demonstration of virtuous skills and techniques, but rather yearns to burst open the immediate present through the poetic space that opens between the encounter of the mime, actor, dancer, and musician. It is a place that is built from listening for the unexpected, where taking risks reverberates with the joy of playing.

The artists improvising are always selected before the event.  They should posses a developed corporeal language and imagination, as well as the joy of improvising.

The evening is divided into two parts:


First Part (Invited artists only)

We invite corporeal artists and musicians with extensive training of all form types: dance, mime, circus, music, and voice, who have already demonstrated a high capacity to improvise.  Drawn from a hat, they encounter each other by chance in combinations of 1, 2, or 3, 4 or even the entire group.  Each group has three to five minutes to develop a theme.  Afterwards, the random selection begins again.


Intermission – Bar.


Second Part (Open to the public, professionals or amateurs)

The members of the public who have witnessed the first part and want to improvise will submit their name as an actor or a musician or even both categories.  They will be paired with one of the improvisors of the First Part in a random selection of duos and or trios along with a selection of musicians.  They also will have three to five minutes to develop a given theme. There is no fear.


Everyone is Welcome!


Up and Coming

January 22, 2016 at 8pm

Comme Vous Emoi, Montreuil
[az_button_sh inverted=”true” target=”_self” buttonsize=”button-medium” buttonlabel=”Reserve Here” buttonlink=”/wham-bam-at-montreuil/” class=”” icons=”font-icon-text”]


Genres: Improvisation, Physical Theatre, Mime, Dance, Music

Public: general admission

Duration: 90 – 120 minutes


Direction and Concept Creation : Won Kim

Assistant Creator : Joel Sitbon


Previous Venue Locations:

Le Centre de Marc Sangnier, Paris

Le Théâtre du Verre, Paris



Other Cities Where Wham Bam happens regularly:

Arts En Scène, Lyon 

Porto Alegre, Brazil

If you are interested in bringing Wham Bam to your city, please contact
Won Kim
[az_social_profile email=”mailto:won@pasdedieux.com” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/pasdedieux”]




GDE Error: Error retrieving file - if necessary turn off error checking (404:Not Found)

Photo Credits: Luc Barrovecchio

[az_special_heading heading_type=”1″ heading_style=”default” heading_align=”textalignleft” padding_bottom_heading=”30″ animation_loading=”no” animation_loading_effects=”fade_in”]Images[/az_special_heading]
[az_lightbox_image image=”1254″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1256″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1260″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1258″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”]
[az_lightbox_image image=”1222″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1230″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1236″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1232″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1244″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”]
[az_lightbox_image image=”1242″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1234″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1218″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1220″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”]
[az_special_heading heading_type=”1″ heading_style=”default” heading_align=”textalignleft” padding_bottom_heading=”0″ animation_loading=”no” animation_loading_effects=”fade_in”]Wham Bam [/az_special_heading]

[az_dropcap mode=”dropcap-color”]T[/az_dropcap]he company Pas de Dieux brings from France a unique event of corporeal improvisation: an encounter between dance, theatre, mime, and live music, both professionals and amateurs. The goal is to encounter the unexpected and improvise a play. This unusual rendezvous of live performing artists and musicians is also open to the participation of the audience to discover the art of corporeal improvisation. Wham Bam! is not built around a demonstration of virtuous skills and techniques, but rather yearns to burst open the immediate present through the poetic space that opens between the encounter of the mime, actor, dancer, and musician. It is a place that is built from listening for the unexpected, where taking risks reverberates with the joy of playing.

The artists improvising are always selected before the event.  They should posses a developed corporeal language and imagination, as well as the joy of improvising.

The evening is divided into two parts:


First Part (Invited artists only)

We invite corporeal artists and musicians with extensive training of all form types: dance, mime, circus, music, and voice, who have already demonstrated a high capacity to improvise.  Drawn from a hat, they encounter each other by chance in combinations of 1, 2, or 3, 4 or even the entire group.  Each group has three to five minutes to develop a theme.  Afterwards, the random selection begins again.


Intermission – Bar.


Second Part (Open to the public, professionals or amateurs)

The members of the public who have witnessed the first part and want to improvise will submit their name as an actor or a musician or even both categories.  They will be paired with one of the improvisors of the First Part in a random selection of duos and or trios along with a selection of musicians.  They also will have three to five minutes to develop a given theme. There is no fear.


Everyone is Welcome!


Up and Coming

January 22, 2016 at 8pm

Comme Vous Emoi, Montreuil
[az_button_sh inverted=”true” target=”_self” buttonsize=”button-medium” buttonlabel=”Reserve Here” buttonlink=”/wham-bam-at-montreuil/” class=”” icons=”font-icon-text”]


Genres: Improvisation, Physical Theatre, Mime, Dance, Music

Public: general admission

Duration: 90 – 120 minutes


Direction and Concept Creation : Won Kim

Assistant Creator : Joel Sitbon


Previous Venue Locations:

Le Centre de Marc Sangnier, Paris

Le Théâtre du Verre, Paris



Other Cities Where Wham Bam happens regularly:

Arts En Scène, Lyon 

Porto Alegre, Brazil

If you are interested in bringing Wham Bam to your city, please contact
Won Kim
[az_social_profile email=”mailto:won@pasdedieux.com” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/pasdedieux”]




GDE Error: Error retrieving file - if necessary turn off error checking (404:Not Found)

Photo Credits: Luc Barrovecchio

[az_special_heading heading_type=”1″ heading_style=”default” heading_align=”textalignleft” padding_bottom_heading=”30″ animation_loading=”no” animation_loading_effects=”fade_in”]Images[/az_special_heading]
[az_lightbox_image image=”1254″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1256″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1260″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1258″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”]
[az_lightbox_image image=”1222″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1230″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1236″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1232″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1244″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”]
[az_lightbox_image image=”1242″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1234″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1218″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”][az_lightbox_image image=”1220″ imgmode=”responsiveimg” animation_loading=”yes” animation_loading_effects=”move_up” title=”Wham Bam” gallery_name=”Wham Bam”]